Thursday, September 29, 2011

going green, getting green

What does your to-do list look like?

To Do
  1. Win the powerball
  2. Use coupons to get all my groceries for free
  3. Master that crazy swan yoga pose
  4. Make 100 cookie monster cupcakes for the bake sale
  5. Save the environment
  6. Walk the dog 
  7. Laundry
  8. Be fabulous
So much to do, so little time. However, I think I can help kill two - or three- birds with one stone. I can help you be fabulous, save money, and save the environment in one fell swoop. (Drum roll, please.)

At My Liege Salon and MetroSpa, we have come up with a whole new way to shop. We have introduced a refilling station for shampoo, conditioner, and even styling products! How it works: we buy products in bulk, repackage them into standard and travel sizes, you make a purchase, enjoy the fabulous product at home until you run out and then---! Don't throw away that bottle! Bring it back in -- we will not only refill it for you but you'll receive a discount on the refill! Everybody wins- the earth, your wallet, and your hair!

Go green. Get fabulous. Save money. How can it get better than that?

    Wednesday, September 7, 2011

    falling for smooch

    Labor Day has officially passed, the kids are grabbing their lunches and jumping on the school bus, and beach days are bidding us adieu until next year. It's a sad thing to say goodbye to summer days and sandy toes, but alas! there is a light in the tunnel. Cool fall breezes beckon us to start throwing on big comfy sweaters and furry trimmed boots, but also, they allure us with a change in color... Have you ever glanced into the trees in October, seen a beautifully hued autumn leaf in a shade reminiscent of the summer sangria we were just sipping on, and wish you could bottle up and take it with you everywhere you go? Well luckily for you, I have that color, sitting in a tube, right in front of me.
                                 World, meet Smooch, Smooch, meet the world!
    This new color from our Duchess Cosmetics collection has been with us for a few weeks now, and I must say-- I have fallen in love. I've tried it on blondes, brunettes... people with blue eyes, green eyes, brown eyes, the list goes on and on..  And honestly...Smooch loves them all. Not that I usually like to share the love of my life, but with this one, I'll make an exception. So, Smooch it up, ladies! I am, and I haven't looked back!